Wednesday, November 07, 2007

babies and naps

There really is nothing better than shaking rocking a baby till it falls asleep. They're so warm and soft and cuddly. Here is another picture in the continuing series of babies taking naps on us.

Here, Simon and Kelly relax together at the bev and the don's house.

Monday, November 05, 2007

labor day run

Laurie, Cortney, and I all ran the labor day 5K at Covington Park.
My time was 26 minutes and 30 seconds, which is my best ever, but not good enough to crack into the top 100.

Tomorrow I'm off for Election Day, so I thought I might run again.
I might be really healthy if only I were unemployed.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

me and a cute little girl.

Baby Ada naps after wondering how someone could possibly hold her so awkwardly.

I do my best!